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The Health Benefits Of Living In Nature
For over a decade, scientists have been studying how being outdoors can boost the benefits of exercise. Now they have firm data to show that by walking outside in nature, we can improve our physical and mental well-being!

The Health Benefits Of Living In Nature

For over a decade, scientists have been studying how being outdoors can boost the benefits of exercise. Now they have firm data to show that by walking outside in nature, we can improve our physical and mental well-being!

Walking in Nature May Lower Your Blood Pressure

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claims that walking in nature may lower your blood pressure, more than walking in an urban environment. The CDC has been partnering with The National Forest Service and The American Hiking Society to promote National Trails Day because of this claim.

The Center recommends that we each have 30 minutes of medium intensity activity, such as a brisk walk, at least five days a week. This can be hard to fit into a busy life-style. Luckily, Bella Collina residents have exclusive, scenic walking trails which thread their way through the 1,900 acres of hills, woodlands, and lakes in which the community nestles. No need to travel or make time to walk in nature, just open the door and enjoy.

Regular Walking In Nature Could Help Prevent Cancer

A research team at the University of Tokyo set out to discover if being in nature affected the “Natural Killer” cells of your immune system. These NK cells are vital for fighting and for preventing cancer, and the scientists wanted to see if walking in nature could boost the level of these cells in the blood.

Volunteers had a blood test to establish a baseline level, and then one group spent two or three nights at a hotel in natural surroundings where they walked in the woods during the day. The second group took a daily walk in nature, and the third group maintained their usual activity in an urban environment.

The urban group showed no change in NK cell levels, while the hotel group and the daily walker group both showed a significant and enduring increase in NK cells.

Walking In Nature Is A Supercharged Stress-Buster

When 1,991 people took part in a “walking for health” program, their self-reported stress levels were compared to a similar group who walked but did so in an urban environment.

Without exception, the nature walkers reported lower feelings of stress and higher levels of physical and emotional wellbeing.

That's not all.

The researchers at the University of Michigan who conducted the study discovered that the effect was particularly strong among those who were under the most stress.

“Walking is an inexpensive, low risk and accessible form of exercise and it turns out that combined with nature and group settings, it may be a potent, under-utilized stress bust-er," said Sara Warber, associate professor of family medicine at the U-M Medical School and the study's senior author.

"Our findings suggest that something as simple as joining an outdoor walking group may not only improve someone’s daily positive emotions but may also contribute a non-pharmacological approach to serious conditions like depression.”

You May Think More Clearly After A Walk In Nature

Not only will you be reducing your stress levels by walking the beautiful trails of Bella Col-lina, but you will also be improving your cognitive skills.

Walking in nature can induce an almost meditative state in which you can think more clearly and problem-solve more efficiently. It has been demonstrated that this particular benefit is highly unlikely when you walk on a treadmill or in an urban environment.

In Japan, they call it “Shinrin-yoku,” which literally translates as forest bathing. It is a word used for the physical and emotional state induced by losing yourself in the forest. Per-haps that is why the Japanese have one of the longest life expectancies in the world de-spite being considered having on the most stressful lives as a whole.

Finally, there’s one more piece of good news.

When you have developed a regular walking in nature routine, you can always increase the benefits. Researchers found that jogging outdoors makes people up to 50% happier than running on a treadmill. Just think, you can see more of the glorious Bella Collina ground in less time, and be happier - what more could you ask for? Learn more about the health benefits of community living at Bella Collina by giving us a call at 407-469-4999 or sending us a message on our website.
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